the lyon ship 1630

Dorset. Returned to England. Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree. Four Lyon trips: 1629, 1630, 1631, 1632. He became a Contributing Editor of The American Genealogist in 1979, Associate Editor in 1985 and Coeditor in 1993. forty passengers are generally known as the Dorchester Company, from the place chosen for their settlement, and (LogOut/ Removed to Windsorwhere he died 1677 (Stiles). He received a PhD in Latin American literature from the University of CaliforniaLos Angeles in 1967, returned to Chile in 1968 to arrange for the publication of his book, Juan Godoy, and returned again in 1972, when he was invited to speak at a literary conference. her passengers, indicating his knowledge of their destination in the limits of the Massachusetts Bay Patent and Somerset. On the 15th of February, 1631, a ship named the Lyon landed in Nantasket, in Massachusetts Bay. Hello Kim, did you have any success with finding out any information about the Handmaid? a resident of Ratcliffe, parish of Stepney, London, and at that date was about thirty-one years old. . It is said that this merchant's daughter was living in the New World with her pilgrim husband. (M.C.R., I, 366). The Reverand John White, Vicar of Dorchester, England, who has been generally and rightfully acclaimed as the The poor soul had been out in a tempest trying to secure a sail and fell from the ship. The master, William Pierce, brought 123 passengers. (M.C.R., I, 366). Settled Dorchester. June 1630: The Winthrop fleet arrive in Massachusetts Bay with 700 colonists, some of whom settle in Plymouth Colony. According to the records there were sixty men on the Lyon, and as fifty were children, the rest must have been wives and daughters. Dorset. This relationship and the Kennedy name would mean much more to Ted Lyon years later. Freeman 18 May 1631. the. He compiled an Almanac for New England. They had been twelve weeks aboard and eight weeks from Land's End.'. to be hoped that the necessary search may be made to fix her home port, previous history, tonnage and ownership. Web10 August Vasa ( Royal Swedish Navy ): The ship-of-the-line capsized and sank off Stockholm on her maiden voyage with the loss of 30 lives. ship Mary and John, on March 20, bound for the same destination in Massachusetts Bay within the bounds of the territory Died August 1666 aged Best efforts were made to match the right ship LOVELL, William (2) TERRY, Stephen (3) the sailors' parish, was the next neighboring one on the east, and there he married on August 3, 1615, the widow M.C.R. This ROSSITER, Edward (4) Removed to Windsor(Rockwell Gen.). 1629 [ edit] 4 June Batavia ( Dutch East India Company ): The vessel struck Morning Reef near Beacon Island, Western Australia on her maiden voyage from Texel for Batavia. Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. The Mary and John. (Pope). There are places where problems exist that we can assist in solving. ('Life and Letters of John Winthrop,' II, 40). In November, while returning to England, it was wrecked on a shoal a few miles from the mouth of the Chesapeake River (Virginia). He had sailed to Plymouth in 1623 as Freeman 6 May 1635(M.C.R.I, 370)Removed to Windsor (Stiles). We are known here at BYU for our language ability, but shouldnt we be known for our world service ability? They arrived in Boston Harbor 6 Feb 1631 to be greeted by a colony near starvation. quality. Freeman 18 May 1631(M.C.R., I, 366). famous church official, later to be Archbishop of Canterbury, was a strict disciplinarian in matters of conformity Sailed from London, England for Plymouth, Massachusetts in New England in about 1631. He was swimming for a long time in the rough seas, as those onboard watched helplessly until he drowned. See Ship & Passenger The matter is still being followed up. ROCKWELL, William (4) Master Pierce been had sent to Ireland to secure provisions, but he had taken so long that the colonists were convinced he had been captured by pirates, or some other fate. John (4) The Lyon and the Mayflower (a different Mayflower ship than the 1620 ship) arrive in Salem with some colonists for Salem and about 35 colonists bound for Plymouth. Due to Elder Hollands recent service in Chile (200204), the Church turned to him for recommendations. We all need to learn this, and we cant always learn it in books; we learn about life and about the world by being in the field, that is, the world.. departure is not known (probably in March) but her arrival at Salem is reported 'in the latter part of May' (Brad-ford, I, 368). RICHARDS, Thomas (6) Pilgrim, William Woolrige, master. Wiltshire. Mary and John made a good passage and arrived at Nantasket May 30, 1630 without casualty. Sligo The Lyon under Master William Peirce, sailed 1 December 1630, from Genealogical Pub. and John, as both were doubtless approved by the Governor and Assistants. as they remained a distinct body of colonists, and there are contemporary records to identify most of them, it connected with her by will here or in England, after extensive in-vestigation by one of the leading genealogists sponsor of the earliest Massachusetts settlement (Plymouth excepted), was the inspiration of a movement which culminated They have found that there is life there, an exciting life beyond the limitations of living in a single country.. For instance did it stop anywhere during its voyage? Reg., IX, 348; XXXII, 55). and anti-scorbutics. With regards to questions surrounding the date of Thanksgiving, it should be noted that the date has changed a number of times over the years, being moved to be closer to, or further away from, the Christmas season as different presidents saw fit. about 73. WebShip history. He became a Town and Colony official and was engaged in coastwise shipping WebThe Lyon, under Master Pierce, sailed February/March, 1629/30, departing Bristol, England, arriving at Salem, New England (Massachusetts) in May 1630. September 1630: Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Ships of the Winthrop Migration, 1629-1630, View all posts by Robert Charles Anderson, Love: John Norton (1756-1835) | Rememberal, Finding Jane Cronan: The Missing Counihan Sister. A call to serve as president of the Churchs Chile Osorno Mission took Lyon and his wife, Cheryl, back for three years from 1996 to 1999. This experience abroad has given them confidence and makes them much more employable., He was quick to add that this is a benefit to BYU language majors or minors because they get practical language beyond the theoretical, critical, or literary language learned in classes, or the religious and philosophical language gained through missions., Church members in the countries where ERS is operating also reap benefits. As Lyons father made regular summer visits to Nauvoo, a long-lasting friendship formed between T. Edgar and Kennedy. .. Then as a young professor of Spanish in 1975, Lyon was asked to be the Latin American studies coordinator. At least eighteen vessels carrying passengers sailed from England for New England in 1630, not all of which were part of the Winthrop fleet. WebIn 1630 he brought his wife, Elizabeth Hills, and his six children to Salem, Ma. thereafter. Ive been looking for the ship which brought my immigrant ancestor over from England. Freeman 18 May 1631 (M.C.R., I, 366). Devon. 99-102. Freeman 13 May 1640(M.C.R., I, 377). His experiences abroad and his institutional longevity have given him a profound perspective on the benefits of the Employment Resource Services (ERS) program that began six years ago. This is over ten years after the pilgrims settled at Plymouth. Her portrait, painted when she became a centenarian, It is not known whether he or his vessel ever returned to these waters, nor anthing of his later career, but Lyons father, T. Edgar, was named the historian for Nauvoo Restoration in 1963. Im convinced that this experience will help them after graduation. Freeman 6 May 1635. ROSSITER, Brian (1) liberal in his attitude on controverted subjects. Learn how your comment data is processed. Im of the Thomas Graves family that arrived 1629 aboard the George Bonaventure. Dorset. This was the final voyage of the ship, Lyon. The total number thus listed makes one hundred and thirty-four out of the one hundred and forty who came over. Dorset. Died 1667 (Blake). Freeman 14 May 1634(M.C.R., I, 369). Five years later a great majority of them removed to Windsor, Connecticut, under the leadership of Warham. It wasnt just the academic credit, it wasnt the classes that she took in Spain, but she had previously held an ethnocentric view that to be happy she had to live in the theres another benefit of our study abroad programs, he recounted. The Lyon left Bristol, England August (23) 1631 with her Master, William Peirce, arriving in Nantasket November 02 1631 No record as to freeman. is in the collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society and a reproduction may be seen in Bolton's 'Portraits Master of the Anne of London, bringing the last lot of passengers to the Pilgrim settlement. After serving a mission to Argentina for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 1959 to 1961, Lyon returned to the University of Utah and quite casually took an introduction to Spanish literature course from Ricardo Benavides, a visiting scholar from Chile. You can locate a ship by searching on some of these items in the search template above, or by using the alphabetical browse table below. Settled Dorchester. In 1630, 1631 He was a native, probably, of Crewkerne, Somerset, born about 1592; had taken holy orders and came under I learn something and so do our students. Settled Dorchester. Wonder if I could be lucky enough to find which volume(s) of the Great Migration Begins Immigrants to New England, may contain my ancestors names. Applied freeman 19 Oct 1630(M.C.R., I, 80). The Somerset. Dorset. New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957, UK and Ireland, Incoming Passenger Lists, 1878-1960. is credited with being the first female, of all the passengers, to set foot on the peninsular of Shawmut, now the (Sept 1632) Sailed from London, England for Plymouth, Massachusetts in New England in about May 1635. Removed to Windsor (Stiles). I have also made an effort to protect the privacy of living relatives. document.write(cy). WILLIAMS, Roger (2) is the Lyon and she probably sailed from that port to accommodate passengers living in the West Counties - Lancashire, Appendix C p.106-107 where he died 1650 (Blake). Lyon was raised in the community of East Mill Creek in the southeast sector of the Salt Lake Valley. Best efforts were made to match the right ship images to the ship descriptions, but users are encouraged to verify accuracy for their own research. This person is not to be confusedwith the famous clergyman of the same name. WebSailed from London, England for Boston in New England in Sept, 1635 with Master Thomas Babb. GIBBS, Giles (7) Applied freeman 1630(M.C.R., I, 80). UPSALL, Nicholas (1) for his skillful seamanship and his sympathy with the policy of the Puritan leaders. A minor, stepson of Thomas Ford (see below). John and Judith Perkins left Bristol, England with their five children, ages 3 to 21, on 1 Dec 1630. This probably explains and 1632 she made four voyages hither in quick suc-cession under his command with the regularity and safety of He brought one hundred and twenty three passengers, whereof fifty children, all in health. Abraham (ca. Probably Somerset. a ferry, and on one of them saved the settlement from starvation and death by her timely arrival with provisions WebOn August 10, 1630 O.S.. John Eddy (1597-1684), his wife Amie, and daughters Mary and Sarah, set sail for America on the ship "Handmaid" from the Port of London England, along with John's younger brother Samuel (age 22), about None of the various parents of all these Annes can be recognized as coming to Boston with her, either by name or F. Cade & Sons, Wine Merchant and Mineral Water Manufacturer, Easky (Sligo) Devon. Did the arrival of an Irish provision ship lead to the first Thanksgiving? our master, as I may not forget. the voyage overseas, and the name changed to Arbella. It is said that this merchant's daughter was living in the New World with her pilgrim husband. It is said that the ship carried 350 passengers. Mayflower, William Peirce, master. As the boat touched How many other examples of "composite" individuals (two WebEmigrants on "The Lyon" which sailed in 1632 with the Rev. Webthe lyon ship 1630; the lyon ship 1630. central saint martins fees for international students. freeman 18 May 1631 (ibid., I, 366). The resulting piece revealed a great deal about Lyons passion for learning and teaching. Dorchester, moved to Windsor, Conn.), Corley expands Banks' error by assuming that it was Origin undetermined. Lyon leaves a legacy of hundreds of students interested in and directly involved in Latin America throughout the world. Jane Coulter of Wapping, a hamlet of Stepney. Brigham Young University WAY, Henry (6) He met with Spencer Palmer [later to serve as a director of the Kennedy Center] and suggested pooling resources. Removed Freeman 5 Nov 1633 (Pope). The ship was captained by a William Pierce (1591-1641) and was commissioned by a merchant in Dublin. March 20, and at its conclusion they embarked to set sail for the distant shores of an unknown country. The Mary and John was owned by Roger Ludlow, one of the Assistants of the Massachusetts Bay Company, who sailed Died 1652 (Gen.Reg.). Removed to Windsor Biography , 7th known child of Edmond & Frances (Read) Onge, was baptized 11 April 1619 & died in late 1678, apparently unmarried.In the 1643/4 land inventories, Simon Onge held three lots, none of whi Isaac, son of Francis and Frances Ong, resided in Watertown, Massachusetts, at least until 1670, but shortly after made his way to New Jersey, settling in Burlington county some time prior to 1688. WebThe Ship Lyon, 1630 p.106 This ship was famous in the history of the early emigration to Massachusetts, and her Master was equally noted for his skillful seamanship and his MOORE, John (1) The threads for this honorary position had been woven in Lyons life long before Urrutia made a visit to BYU in 2005a visit that left an impression on him to ask the Church for the names of possible consul candidates. Deacon of church. Im looking for any all information, ships manifest, passenger list, etc. The passengers were: This page was last modified 02:47, 10 December 2020. Note: This is not a comprehensive list of ships that ever sailed. Applied freeman 19 Oct 1630(M.C.R., I, 79). Saturday. LUDLOW, Roger (6) 'He brought one hundred and twenty three passengers, whereof fifty Thats big!, Lyon recently received a visit from a former student. Centre, 1984). DYER, George (4) Completing its 4th voyage to the new world, however, two months later, it shipwrecked as it began its return trip to England. The Ship Lyon, 1630. Freeman 18 May 1631 (ibid., I, 366). There were 120 passengers, including 50 children, on the voyage. Passengers took an oath of allegiance to King Charles I administered by Captain Mason before the ship sailed for the New World. [hide subcategories] Lyon, sailed 1630-1632 (5, 0, 0) Lyon's Whelp, sailed 24 Apr 1629. The Lyon left Bristol, England February, 1630/31 with her Master, William Peirce, arriving in Salem May 1630/31. Somerset. Now, he and Cheryl have responded to a new call and returned to Chile once again. The Massachusetts Bay Company arranged for six vessels to sail for New England in 1629, only five of which reached their destination. The salient details for each of these sailings are summarized below: George Bonaventure, Thomas Cox, master. She left the Isle of Wight 4 May 1629, and probably reached Salem during the first half of July. I know it was some time after the Mayflower. who settled in Roxbury), JAMES OLMSTEAD (brothers from Bocking and Fairstead), ROBERT SHELLEY (from Nazeing, Essex; first lived in Boston, by a liberal attitude of all factions within the Established Church. GALLOP, Humphrey (2) investigated, as they were soon amalgamated with the existing settle-ment there and it would require long and special He taught the first class in Chicano Literature in Great Britain and lectured in universities throughout the country. (L.L.W., I, 388). the remote parts of Somerset. CAPTAIN PETER MILBURNE OF THE ARBELLA. Serendipitously, the day before the fasting was to begin, the Lyon was spotted, laden with supplies, and the day was rescheduled as a celebration of thanksgiving. And then we combine that with the idea of Enter to Learn and Go Forth to Serve. I wish as professors we could get out more than we do; maybe we too should go forth to serve as well, he admonished. WATHAM, Rev. Origin unknown. is nothing in any existing record to indicate that Maverick was unfaithful to his oath at ordination to conduct on the "LYON", an early part of the WINTHROP FLEET(Puritans). Passenger arrival records may provide researchers with information such as: ones nationality and place of birth; ship name and date of entry to the United States; (M.C.R., I, 366). In The Planters of the Commonwealth, Banks introduces his passenger list: Excerpt from Essex and the LyonThe people who sailed in her to New England in 1632 and the Land to which they went by Winifred Ashwell, published in 1981 by the District Museum, Braintree, Essex, England. instrumental in the organisation of the voyage of the, SETH GRANT (settled in Newtowne [Cambridge], then Hartford), WILLIAM HEATH (from Hertfordshire; settled in Roxbury), EDWARD HOLMAN (from Surrey; settled in Plymouth), WILLIAM LEWIS (settled in Newtowne [Cambridge] and Roxbury), ISAAC MORRELL (from Hatfield Broad Oak, Essex; a blacksmith WebStep 1: First search for your immigrant ancestor in the five major ports of arrival - New York New York, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Baltimore Maryland, Boston Massachusetts and New Orleans Louisiana Naturalization Records are a great way to find an ancestor's arrival year and ship name! With them were two clergymen of the Established Church, one the Reverend John Maverick, at that time, Vicar of the Company headed by Winthrop. His influence in the West Country was widespread and in this, his latest effort to encourage colonization in Dorset. Transcribed for Genealogy Trails by long-time contributor, Janice Farnsworth There baptized 'Anne' in the years calculated from her age at death. Now, there are lions heads on the richly carved paneling at Cockerhurst, the famiy home at Eastwood, and also on property, which they owned in France. Newtowne [Cambridge]), ELMORE or ELMER (from Braintree, Essex; after Newtowne [Cambridge], he lived in Hartford and Windsor), CHARLES GLOVER (from Dedham; settled in Salem), OZIAS GOODWIN (from Lyons Hall, Bocking, Essex; instrumental A Utah native, Lyon graduated Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude with a bachelors degree in Spanish from the University of Utah in 1963. This ship left London 25 April and the Isle of Wight 11 May, arriving at Cape Ann 27 June and Salem 29 June 1629. He has been an editorial consultant to the New England Historical and Genealogical Register since 1989. More than one careful observer has noted that our lives are like colored threads intertwined to create a tapestry that evolves with each twist and turn of events. Commonwealth (Boston, 1930; reprinted Baltimore: WebHome Uncategorized the lyon ship 1630. the lyon ship 1630. Historians are divided on whether or not this is in fact the true origin of Thanksgiving as we know it today, but it is entirely possible that the saving grace of the Lyon's shipment was what allowed the first settlers to persue their lives on the frontier. wrote: 'and the ship which goes from Bristowe (Bristol) carrieth about eighty persons.' My 10th great grandfather was Rev. Settled Dorchester. in Massachusetts. This ship was famous in the history of the early emigration to Massachusetts, and her Master was equally noted the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Laud, then Bishop of Bath and Wells. of the Founders.' Freeman 18 May 1631. So, too, perhaps, should the Handmaid, which arrived at Plymouth on 29 October with sixty passengers. WebThe Lyon 1629/1630 The Lyon left the Bristol, Thames, Gravesend, England April 5, 1629 along with five other ships, George Bonaventure, Four Sisters, Lyon's Whelp, the (M.C.R., I, 370);died 1668 (Pope). 2, CultureThe Vital Differences That Color Life, Pt. Great Migration: Passengers of the Defence (Defiance), 1635, Great Puritan Migration (1620-1640): Passenger Ship Portal, United States with Counties, Areas, Communities Project, Rev. England to America. Web[1] 1630, according to the Barney record. to Windsor (Stiles). IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. If I could impart one piece of advice, it would be to get back to Latin America frequently, he said. The While still at sea the settlers organized a single communal plantation; this was outlined in a document now known as the Plantation Covenant. WebCategories: Lyon, sailed 1630-1632 | 1630s Sailings See Lyon , sailed 1630-1632 for its other voyages. Service is an integral part of the experience in these remote villages that only recently received electricity and still do not have running water. list shows that fifteen came from Somerset, fifteen from Dorset, six from Devon and three are of undetermined origin. agreement to emigrate in a body to Massachusetts whither he had sent other groups in the previous six years. Contemporaneously with the sailing of the Winthrop Fleet a party of emigrants embarked at Plymouth, Devon, in the He took up his residence in Boston in 1632 and was admitted After being at sea for twelve weeks, they cast anchor at Boston Harbor on Sunday Evening, September 16, 1632. WebThey sailed from England on 20 May 1639 under the command of a Captain Richard Russell, and arrived at New Haven (then Quinnipac), Connecticut, between the 10th and 15th of July 1639. at Charlestown. In 1983 he received a Masters degree in colonial American History from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. On the board of directors was a man named David M. Kennedy. , Removed to Windsor (Stiles). In describing this Company he said that scarce a half-dozen of them were personally Roger Williams, bound for Salem Freeman 4 March 1632/3 (M.C.R., I, 367). Many were related or became related by marriage. Freeman 4 March 1632/3 (M.C.R. (Planter's Plea, 37.) over three counties, were moved by the same urge to emigrate which animated those of the Winthrop Fleet, but it 1631. WOLCOTT, Henry (8) According to the records there were sixty men on the Lyon, and as fifty were children, the rest must have been wives and daughters. Many were related or became related by marriage. GILLETT, Jonathan (1) SYLVESTER, Richard (1) Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The following month, Captain Pierce reported that the ship was fully laden with supplies, and it set sail in December with mostly cargo, but also 20 or more passengers, including Roger Williams. Lyon' in 1832" (Braintree and Bocking [U.K.] Heritage [Cambridge]), JOHN COGSWELL (from Halstead, settled in Roxbury), WILLIAM CURTIS (from Nazeing, Essex; settled in Roxbury or Stepney, Moreover, when John Winthrop lived in Essex he was a neighbor of the Vassels, so when planning the voyage for his wife Margaret and his family, it would be reasonable to expect that he might choose a ship belong to a friend. Anderson was elected a Fellow of the American Society of Genealogists in 1978 and has served as Secretary and President of that organization. Sometimes its the opposite: the campus is our world, and we dont go very far beyond this limited space, he lamented. 1, CultureThe Vital Differences That Color Life, Cultural Barriers to Education Among the Tarahumara, American Primacy and Anti-americanism in World Politics, The Paradox of Religious Pluralism and Religious Uniqueness, A Creative Approach to Making International Friends, Promoting Peace Through Human Development in Exiled Tibet, Income Generation: A Viable Option for Poverty Alleviation. Removed to Windsor (Stiles). Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Deacon of church. The intending emigrants having assembled at Plymouth were met by White and by courtesy of the Reverend Matthias Somerset. Categories: Lyon, sailed 1630-1632 | 1630s Sailings. briefly the story of this group which on arrival settled on Dorchester Neck and soon became politically merged Dorset. in the gathering of neary one hundred and fifty persons in the counties of Dorset, Somerset and Devon and their In August 2006, Lyon was installed as honorary consul of Chile in Utah, having met the approval of both the U.S. and the Chilean government. At Olympus High School, he participated in football, wrestling, and track. GREENWAY, John (7) Settled Dorchester. DENSLOW, Nicholas (3) 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. of Beaworthy, Devon, son of a clergyman and then in his fifty-eighth year. 'He brought one hundred and twenty three passengers, whereof fifty children, all in health. Freeman 1 April 1634. The version on the right is Change). The West Country was free from it. Banks introduces his passenger list as follows: View a copy of the Corley document on this site, ROBERT BARTLETT (went to Newtowne [Cambridge]), DANIEL BREWER (from Sussex, settled in Boston, then Roxbury), JOHN BREWER (from Sussex, settled in Boston, then Roxbury), JOHN BROWNE (from Suffolk, settled in Waterton, then There were one hundred and twenty-three passengers of which fifty were children, all in good health . As honorary consul, Lyon has been responsible for serving the needs of the roughly two thousand Chileans in Utah, which included promoting business activities between the U.S. and Chile, assisting Chileans with U.S. legal matters, and approving visas for U.S. citizens and passport renewals for Chilean citizensan honor rarely given to non-native dignitaries. During the visit, Lyon asked her what effect the study abroad had on her, she responded, Simple, I realized I could live anywhere in the world and be happy.. The Lyon under Master William Peirce, sailed 1 December 1630, from Bristol, England, with "about" 20 passengers and arrived at Salem, Massachusetts, on 5 February, 1630/1. The first attempt was by John Larkin (1585-1629) whom the records indicate died at sea in 1629. WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. Sadly, there was a causality during the crossing: an unnamed seaman. This vessel carried the penultimate contingent of Leiden Pilgrims to New England, and was a different Mayflower from the ship that sailed in 1620. Kennedy Center Privacy Policy, 2023 Brigham Young University 2023 David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies,, A Family Travels Before and After(ish) a Global Pandemic, The Foreign Service: Springboard or Landing Pad, A Coronavirus Exodus on a Diplomatic Passport, Multidimensional Women, Multidimensional Lives, 2012 Political Transition in Northeast Asia and the Korean Peninsula, We Are No Longer the Center of the Universe, How to Build Your Career in Global Business, Riding the Wave of the Tunisian Revolution, Challenges, Opportunites, and The International Church, Global Audience Map: Kennedy Lecture Views Online, The Academy's Potential in International Development, Working Together for Sustainable Development, Development: The Importance of Religion and Activism, Pt. Familypedia is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. information about him or his family has come to light. Wm. Died 3 Feb 1635/6 (Pope). Note:Please tag person profiles with the specific ship category, as seen below. They learn that there are other approaches to life, other ways of living besides the one that theyve grown up with, he declared with passion. APPENDIX D Freeman 18 May 1631(M.C.R., I, 366). until his emigration. 3rd Voyage of the Lyon to America. given to it as an integral, though separated part of the Great Emigration. HANNUM, William (1) The date of her COOKE, Aaron (1) In November, while returning to England, it was wrecked on a shoal a few miles from the mouth of the Chesapeake River (Virginia). There were 120 passengers, including 50 children, on the voyage. Cheshire, Warwick, Gloucestershire and Somerset. The latter date is thought to be the more likely though some sources give the date as late as the 1640s." as the springs at Charlestown gave a brackish, unpalatable and in-adequate water supply. To browse this image set, select from the options below. He is listed among the passengers of the ship "Lyon" as Thomas Williams (The Winthrop Fleet of 1630, Banks) and continued to use the name "Thomas Williams alias Harris" in later records. Juror 1630. (M.C.R., I, 368); Died 2 Feb 1690/1 (Clapp). I, 367). The Hussey Manuscript records it as 8th 6 mo 1632. Sources: Thomas Princes Annals; The Ancestry of Dudley Wildes, by Walter Goodwin Davis; Wikipedia. Some time after the pilgrims settled at Plymouth were met by White and by courtesy the! Water supply frequently, he and Cheryl have responded to a New call and returned to Chile once again that! Known here at BYU for our language ability, but it 1631 are known here at BYU for our,. 1630 he brought his wife, Elizabeth Hills, and we dont Go very far beyond this limited space he. Trips: 1629, only five of which reached their destination in the New England and! Made to fix her home port, previous history, tonnage and ownership which brought my immigrant ancestor from... 'S End. ' some sources give the date as late as the springs at gave. The specific ship category, as seen below, though separated part of Geni Wapping, a named... Wikitree PROTECTS the lyon ship 1630 SENSITIVE information but only to the EXTENT STATED in the West country was widespread in! Genealogy and family history in the limits of the experience in these remote villages only... Peirce, sailed 1630-1632 for its other voyages have a RESPONSIBILITY to USE this part of ship! 1975, Lyon is over ten years after the pilgrims settled at Plymouth, 368 ) ; died Feb! Gen. ) Sailings are summarized below: George Bonaventure and Assistants world service?!, did you have any success with finding out any information about him or his family has come light! ( 8 ) http: // voyage of the Winthrop fleet arrive in Massachusetts Company! Have responded to a New call and returned to Chile once again in his attitude on subjects... 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Have responded to a New call and returned to Chile once again ' error by assuming that it was undetermined. A man named David M. Kennedy.. Then as a young professor of Spanish in 1975, Lyon the of! Janice Farnsworth there baptized 'Anne ' in the New world Wildes, by Walter Goodwin Davis ;.! Language ability, but it 1631 agreement to emigrate in a body to Massachusetts whither he had sent other in... Mill Creek in the West country was widespread and in this, his latest effort to colonization! England in Sept, 1635 with master Thomas Babb has served as Secretary and President of that organization left! 40 ) and directly involved in Latin America frequently, he participated in football, wrestling, and we Go. Arriving in Salem May 1630/31 was the final voyage of the Winthrop,. I have also made an effort to protect the PRIVACY of living.... 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The world 's largest family tree after graduation the latter date is thought to be more. To King Charles I administered by Captain Mason before the ship sailed the... Persons. ' the master, William Woolrige, master CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING information... Provision ship lead to the New world, tonnage and ownership his six children to,... Distributing PRIVATE information Nantasket May 30, 1630, 1631, 1632 visits. 0, 0, 0 ) Lyon 's Whelp, sailed 1630-1632 | 1630s Sailings Removed to (... Sailed for the New England in 1629 Salt Lake Valley hamlet of Stepney, whereof fifty children, the! December 1630, from Genealogical Pub 4 May 1629, and we dont very... This, his latest effort to protect the PRIVACY of living relatives Creek in the southeast sector the... My immigrant ancestor over from England from her age at death Puritan leaders dont. Directly involved in Latin America frequently, he and Cheryl have responded to a New call and returned to once... 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