platforms for student council secretary

Below, well discuss tips for writing a campaign speech. With more openness and transparency, it is my hope that we, as a campus, will be better able to address longstanding issues at Swarthmore. Student council is a great life experience and resume booster. By 2011 I ended up being elected Student Body President of the largest high school in South Carolina (Wando High School) and was also elected (the first woman in over 10 years) as the State Student Council President which meant I planned the state conference that year at my high school. Though the collection boxes were there, no one picked them up, and most of the boxes were empty. If youre just looking for another activity on your resume, then NO! The work has already been started this year, with the current council increasing transparency of its decision making process, but as I have learned as a member of student council, there is always room for change. The times where your dedication and hard work really go noticed is when youre offered a coveted conference spot. I want all EIU students Freshman through senior to have these skills, so that, when they get out in the real world they are fully prepared. I recognize that Swatties feel they are extremely busy and dont have the time to become more in tune with what student council is doing. Repeat the same message that you used when talking to other students about your platform. As a Latin major I have come love to subtleties and details. Plan new amazing fundraisers! To be an effective member of student council, make sure you have the time to commit to it. Holding student leadership positions shows that you are an involved and active member of your community. Hi, my name is Jennifer Yi, and I want to be your campus life representative. I cannot begin to fathom the emptiness of a life without the standard Saturday night Paces party, or midweek pizza study break. We will elect information officers per block to ensure that the Webstudent lending, mortgages, and credit cards. Youll represent the student voice in communication with administration and faculty, plan and host major events, and be a leader among your peers. As Appointments Chair, I want to bring in more students instead of having the same half-dozen or so people on several committees. The student secretary is the backbone of the student council and is one of the most essential roles in a school. Lastly, I want to take efforts to make EIU student body a united body. Photo Credit: Chandler Searcy. Words by Jessica Rowe Well, the Timekeepers were ready as The Starter called Council members to the starting line and declared the meeting open. Application Information and Deadline: Applications are due on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. EST (Washington D.C. time). I want to spread awareness about IPE, which are Inter Personal Educational skills. I believe that not only is it our job to communicate with 2. Having a focused platform will help you seem trustworthy and will help you stay motivated. I also want to work with the Educational Policy Representative to expand curriculum options that reflect the interest of the entire student body. 3. Treasurer: The treasurer is responsible for keeping a record of the financial account for the student council. In my freshmen and junior years of high school, I participated in student council acting as chairperson of various committees that planned school wide events. 2022 - 4 . However, youll also need the ability to work well under pressure and handle criticismafter all, not everyone will be on board with every decision you make. It shows that you can get involved in your school and improve things, which makes colleges think that hopefully you would do the same at their school. If you hope to be class president someday, you can prove yourself in a smaller position and then run for bigger positions in future elections. I served as drama club secretary., I will raise the money for the class trip by hosting a school-wide hot dog eating contest.. 34) My Tie: Have a dinner party with all the council members. The first is in submitting your application. Vote Jennifer Yi! Handled partnerships to link our organization to our clients. Hopefully my platform has provided you with a good sense of who I am and what I intend to do. I want to participate in discussions with students about what matters the most to them. At these weekly meetings, members brainstorm events they'd like to plan and divvy up the tasks. In order to be an effective secretary, one must be highly organized and attentive at all times. A past in event management, such as Webhi soo this is my first time running for student council as president and ang hirap mag-isip ng platforms kasi online pls drop suggestions!! WebCommittee Secretary. All of these qualities and many more will help me be a successful Campus Life Representative. Treasurer:Responsible for budgeting and managing money (i.e. =). If I am elected as Secretary, I will bring these detail-oriented strengths to Student Council. Although I lack experience on Student Council, Im conscientious, I honor my responsibilities, I accept criticism, I take satisfaction from a job well done, and I listen well. No matter what position you run for, how you campaign is important. As a governing body, we need to stop assuming the needs and wants of students. as need on behalf of thecouncil and executive committee, Take concise and accurate meeting notes on all relevant decisions made by the council or executive committee. 3. Best School Secretary Slogans The best leader wins Three cheers for (name) My platform is simple: doing the right thing should be easy. I will have informational and interactive events related to mental health topics. I want less talking and more action to be the motto of EIU. Make it brief or youll lose your audience. However, there are some larger issues which council has been tackling that I would seriously look to solving in my two terms, such as the possible creation of a permanent sustainability committee. Commenting on the Daily Eastern News web site is a privilege, not a right. The PU administration approached the scene and dispersed the students from the ground. Suzi Kutcher,a publicist at Ramsey Solutions and marketing all-star, loved her time during her tenure on student council. These are skills required to survive in the outside world. I want to actually talk to students and hear from them about their wants and needs. 16: I, Tonya, feat. To mine for ideas for school secretary posters, consider all that the position entails. As I said above, members of the grade-level councils are responsible for planning and executing grade-level specific programs(such as creatinga class t-shirtororganizingJunior Prom). The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois. These student governments are made up of three branches: Executive, legislative and judicial. I believe that my experience and personality will help me offer new ideas. First and foremost, I care about Swarthmore. WebSecretary- The secretary keeps the student council organized by taking meeting notes (called minutes), keeping records of important discussions and decisions, and Second, as Secretary, I will finally be able to put my perfectionism to good use! . You can't make and hang posters, pass out flyers, and talk to other students all by yourself. Many of my past experiences at the College will enable me to effectively perform the duties of Vice President. WebAn analytical and innovative third year MEng Mechanical Engineering student specialising in Automotive Engineering from the University of Southampton. Find volunteers to help you. Colleges like to see student government on your resume because it indicates that you are a leader who gets involved on campus. I want to, even virtually, bring more events, more tools for our students, and more diversity. Tell them about yourself and why you want to be part of student government. Something that was cut, short before, was a donation that was supposed to collect school items, like markers, binders, pencils. Writing a speech for any student council position is similar, but if you want to be the class secretary, you need to highlight specific skills. How to Get Into Harvard and the Ivy League, by a Harvard Alum. Besides, Ive seen the rubber duckies lounging poolside in President Blooms basement spa! Stack a few envelopes, the notebook, and a few stamps then tie with string to make a stationary set. Dont get me wrong, as a Student Academic Mentor, I definitely endorse studying for exams and preparing for classes. Is treasurer a leadership position? I was appointed to the Student Affairs Committee last spring, and began serving my term this fall. Ask a few friends if they're willing to help you campaign! Student council is a group of students elected by their classmates to organize activities and address student concerns and interests. Andrea Cornejo 10: The first couple of weeks on campus, I looked around and couldnt see how there could be anything to complain about here at Swarthmore, everything seemed to run so smoothly. Elections for freshman student council typically happen at the beginning of the school year, in the fall. Typically, senior student governmentmembers have an obligation aftergraduating from high school:planning your high school reunions. Some schools allowcampaign speeches (mine didn't!). Also I would push for the short break in spring, or at least shed some light on the attempt to implement it. However, you don't want to annoy other students (if you do, you definitely won't get elected), so try to cap yourself at 2-3 minutes of chatting, and then move on to another group. Begging strangers for contributions has certainly strengthened my communication and interpersonal skills. I will work for a greater variety of events that are more spread out so that you are not so stressed. As an RA, I have worked with the Deans Office and generally know the goings-on around campus. Submit a complete application according to the program guidelines. Smile and be polite and friendly. The Better events: Ever thought that going to that party or event wasnt worth the opportunity cost of three hours of not being able to study? The structure of student council varies by school. I make this one promise: if elected, Ill serve the community to the best of my ability. Or just stop me to chat. SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination BoardTM. I know the resources on campus, and Im comfortable using them. In the case of the Board, I am not intimidated by communicating the concerns of students with them. Prepare a monthly financial report and present at each meeting. Having served in the Student Government for almost two years and holding different positions has helped me improve various things on campus. I'll answer these questions and more below! Whether one approves or disapproves of the council at this time, no one can dispute the fact that at this point in time, Student Council is at a major turning point in that people are paying attention to what the council is doing. Responsibilities: Work with council to prepare the annual budget. Find new and fun ways to create unity as a university. Thank you. Secretary and Member of the Ad-hoc Committee on Drafting University Announcements to allowing student representatives to WebGreen Giant FM. Plan ononehour for meetings and fourhours for event planning or executing events. Nothing is worse than the class t-shirt. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. Around the first corner of the track a You should also think about the impression youre making in class. As a young buck my freshman year I enthusiastically attended various on-campus events, and continue to do so. (Be sure to hbspt.cta.load(360031, '4efd5fbd-40d7-4b12-8674-6c4f312edd05', {}); Have any questions about this article or other topics? It was in these off hours that I really grew to appreciate the people working there next to me. That is in essence what I want to keep as the foremost goal of council, the committees, and the administration. I will organize several different online and COVID-friendly in-person events for students to get involved and have the best college experience. This is the most important part of the poster and should both stand out immediately and be visible from a distance. What is your platform? This will help students remember you, particularly if your slogan is catchy or clever. We make sure students get the career help they need. However, it can alsorequire a significant time commitment. As your Student Trustee, I want to make sure that students voices are heard, especially those who traditionally have gone unheard in the past. A Comprehensive Guide. The key to becoming a successful student council member is having a central belief system. To continue to build trust, you need to show your competence in the classroom. Other schools will expect you to make a speech either at a live assembly or via video broadcast. Resultantly, four students from Pashtun Council and two from Punjabi Council suffered injuries. During my time at Swarthmore, I have had the opportunity to meet many of my peers and listen to their concerns regarding the direction of the college. Take charge of event planning. After being rejected (yep, rejected) from the Freshman Student Gov program, I found myself in the very boring role of deputy chief of staff. Enhance communication between students and school administration/faculty, Represent the views of the students on matters of concern, Promote respect and positive values among students, Support the development of the school and school culture. 2022 - 4 . Typically (though this may vary slightly by high school/region), each grade level has itsown grade-level council (i.e. For me, the accessibility of the administration and student leaders is one of the most vital keys to our success, both as individuals, and as a collective. If you are considering applying or re-applying for a committee, you will probably have several concerns. Updated profiles on the Student Council website and board in Parrish outlining the duties and personal interests of Student Council members would also help to make sure students know who is representing them and in what capacity. College life is not only about academics. This means informing students of any and all meeting Im always around to listen to any opinions or concerns about campus life. Joking aside, while taking care of the details of Student Council proceedings is undoubtedly important, it is not my only reason for running for the position. I would like to organize more opportunities to meet with Student Council members in a more informal setting than Student Council meetings. As a former Speaker, I understand the time, commitment, and dedication it takes to be an executive officer in this organization and I am excited to get to work with the rest of the Student Government, and the student body as a whole., Skylar Coffey, a graduate student studying political science. I also understand that you experience college life only once in your life and Im here to make sure that its the most rewarding and unforgettable four years in your life for learning and self-development. These individuals would provide me, if elected to this position, with feedback on upcoming Student Government matters as well as information about what is happening across campus. I would also like to begin a dialogue with Linda McDougall about improving the quality of the produce in Sharples and Essie Maes. The size of the posters doesnt matter, butthe quantity does. Im also responsible and trustworthy.. What if we could walk into Worth Health Center, confident in the medical care? As Student Council Vice President, I would work collaboratively within our community to find some viable answers to these questions and others that may arise in the next year. If you like this article be sure to share it with other parents and school councils by using the share buttons above and below this article. I have experience, I am qualified, and I want your vote. We asked Savanna Klein, admissions counselor at Sweet Briar College, what her fellow admissions officers think about students participating in student council: There you have it! Secretary and Member of the Ad-hoc Committee on Drafting University Announcements to allowing student representatives to Shoot me an email. The group is composed entirely of students; often they have a faculty adviser. Webstudent lending, mortgages, and credit cards. Make posters, hand out fliers, start a social networking page and make regular How to Join Your High School's Student Council - PrepScholar Thinking about joining student council? I believe that an interview is not an interrogation, and I would make sure that the meeting would be relaxed, but focused. Here are some best and cool student council secretary slogans for you: Choose the best secretary to eliminate the mess. For instance, during Class Awareness Month, (month long activities to raise awareness on class issues) several overlooked or unaddressed issues have materialized, such as stringy resources for incoming lower class students, that I have been planning on bringing to the attention of administration. a class t-shirtororganizingJunior Prom). From turning around the ban on late Thursday nights to supporting Swarthmores living wage campaign, at lot of positive change has occurred on Swarthmores campus with the help of Student Council, and as Secretary I can promise you that I will work tirelessly to continue this trend. Better facilities: Have you ever not been content with the dismal lighting in McCabe or our meager gym facilities? Now you have to spread your message. End with your name and campaign slogan (if you had one). The Vice-President along with the rest of Student Council, functions as a voice for the student body, and at this point the administration wants to listen. This is especially true if you dont have previous campaign or student government experience. Sorry, there was an error loading this poll. Occasionally (typically once or twice each school year), the grade-level student councils will hold an open meeting to allow their classmates to come and voice their concerns or suggest ideas. I believe my equality driven character along with my perseverant and outspoken personality will be a great combination for Campus Life Representative. There have been suggestions about creating more majors. This semester I worked as a Swarthmore phonathon caller, calling alumni and parents of current and past students. 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Continue to make EIU and its surrounding community a safe place for students of all race, ethnicity, and gender. The administration has actually been thinking of doing something like this for a while, but I want to make sure it happens. As a contributor for the Living and Arts section of The Phoenix, Ive learned about three important aspects of student life- student activities, what students are most interested in, and listening to students and the administration for their opinions. WebAn election campaign platform is the promise a candidate makes and strives to maintain once they are elected. Win or lose, youll learn a lot in the process. As a member of the council, I would promote more effective and easier means of outreach. Someone is always unhappy and doesnt like the design. Getting to fly/drive/travel to wild locations to meet like-minded individuals and learn and C.A.S.E. Appointments Chair Candidates Serving my classmates as a member of student council would be a true pleasure! Start a fundraiser? WebMy top five strengths are: I am a learner. Plan to join student council What is the role of a Secretary in student council? This means that anything that is discussed while the student meetings are taking place should be noted accordingly. Dora received a full-tuition merit based scholarship to University of Southern California. Student Council will first and foremost work to create a comprehensive path for students to interact with faculty. Ask below and we'll reply! You will also likely not win if your entire grade knows you, but onlyas the person failing all of your classes or the person who doesnt take anything seriously (aka class clown). Ill go down the hierarchy. Also, comments containing personal attacks or threats of harming another person will not be tolerated. My reasons for running for Student Council Secretary are twofold. Let me tell you there is no better training for that than a student council conference. This is amore difficult task. I also want to challenge myself and my fellow student leaders to talk with people more, learn about them, and do everything that we can to make sure they feel represented and included. To show other students that youre this type of person, youll have to get out there and mingle with your classmates. While I have a number of things I am committed to like actively pushing the idea of Thanksgiving in the Spring and extending the hours of Sharples and Tarble, for example, many of my goals are more long term: One of the jobs of Vice President is to serve on the College Planning Committee for 2025. I want to continue the tradition of Student Government buying gifts for families around the holiday time, and I want to further encourage other groups on campus to do the same as well., Payton Ade, a freshman math education major, I am running under the idea that everyone, no matter who they are and the background they come from should be heard and accepted by the community that they are a part of., Zach Bray, a freshman political science and pre-physician, I am running on a platform of bringing more diversity to campus, bringing a Panda Express, creating a more just and fair environment, and ensuring students voices are actually heard at every level of campus life., Sierra Humphrey, a junior early childhood education. Enthusiastically attended various on-campus events, more tools for our students, and the has... Actually talk to other students that youre this type of person, youll learn a in! 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