lds prophecies about america

Glasgow Prophetic Centre "He will govern from two world capitals: one in old Jerusalem and the other in the New Jerusalem 'built upon the American continent,'" the Latter-day Saint leader said. Tim Price They already have it planned! The "man, who was called of God and appointed, that putteth forth his hand to steady the ark of God" was Joseph Smith. In my vision I was given the knowledge that Russia was the main player in the attack. Washington and his fellows were inspired to revolt from England and bring political liberty to this land, along with the more valuable treasure of religious liberty so that the soil might be prepared for the seed of the truth when it should again be sown, Yes, the early leaders and the people generally of this great nation recognized the necessity for spiritual support if the nation was to endure. I was literally driven from the state and the attempts to destroy me have only intensified. Since 1917 this EE served the world-wide bolshevism to enslave the whole world. At the time Salt Lake City was less than 20,000 strong. I really liked their CEO who moved to development wanting, Hi Richard I had no issue registering, funding, or setting low buy orders on lbank. Today Utah has a population of over 2 million. Later the product of the constitutional convention was referred to as our God-inspired Constitution. Jon Miltimore I share more details about my vision in this one-hour video: Expat Gal The idea that members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will at one or more times take action to save an imperiled US Constitution has been referenced by numerous Church leaders, but as to the Rushton version of the Prophecy, the Church has stated that "the so-called 'White Horse Prophecy'. Peter Koenig Ezra Taft Benson (Prophet from 1980s) stated: Too often we bask in our comfortable complacency and rationalize that the ravages of war, economic disaster, famine, and earthquake cannot happen here. ( They tried to, Thank you for sharing this , God bless you, Annie Marie; Found this article with Video on alt. Prophecies Concerning the Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon Previous Next Scriptural Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith :161. (Is this of God, or of man? When America believes there is peace and safety, the RUSSIANS will lead an all out attack. A person who has been called by and speaks for God. Certainly these satellites are only the genesis of what is in store for the future of worldwide broadcasting. 15, Christ is our advocate with the Father; 610, The gospel is a messenger to prepare the way before the Lord; 1115, Enoch and his brethren were received by the Lord unto himself; 1623, Christ revealed signs of his coming as given on the Mount of Olives; 2438, The gospel will be restored, the times of the Gentiles will be fulfilled, and a desolating sickness will cover the land; 3947, Signs, wonders, and the Resurrection are to attend the Second Coming; 4853, Christ will stand on the Mount of Olives, and the Jews will see the wounds in his hands and feet; 5459, The Lord will reign during the Millennium; 6062. Tell us how you are, We are moving, put our house up for sale after 28 years and its an emotional rollercoaster. Diversity and Unity in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Environmental Stewardship and Conservation, Joseph Smiths Teachings about Priesthood, Temple, and Women, Peace and Violence among 19th-Century Latter-day Saints, The Manifesto and the End of Plural Marriage, Translation and Historicity of the Book of Abraham. Much later, in 1974, Prophet Spencer W. Kimball stated. It came from new York City, the headquarters of communism to Europe, Asia, South America and now thru this nigger prez to USA too. ; this morning reading your reply comment & Question. The Lord will remember His covenant with Israel and regather them. She enjoys encouraging others with what the Lord teaches her. I can\'t see how the consequences John Taylor saw can be avoided at this point. The health laws of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are, perhaps, the most noticeable thing about the Church and its members. Doctrine and Covenants 89:4, emphasis added, Section 130 of the Doctrine and Covenants, Section 133 of the Doctrine and Covenants. Elaine Tavolacci Years later, Joseph reiterated his prophecy that war would break out in South Carolina over slavery debates, as it did nearly 20years after Joseph Smiths death.2, Joseph Smith also prophesied frequently concerning the future destiny of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its role in the last days. Its become, Oh Danielle: I am so sorry. All countries animal symbols, the Leopard is the Persian leopard aka Iran nowdays. It was established for the rights and protection of all flesh according to just and holy principles., Christianity in its fullness and truth has been restored to the earth by direct revelation. Does anyone have a timeline on this? On December25, 1832, Joseph Smith received a revelation prophesying that a war between the northern and southern U.S. states would begin in South Carolina and that wars and uprisings throughout the earth would finally result in the end of all Nations at the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. media outlet news we have here in Aust. He saw the persecution of the Native Americans, including whatever few remnants of his own family might remain. Heber J. Chris Burns We have prophecies especially about Armageddon. It will be the same in regard to numerous other cities, or, in the words of the Lord, "I . And now, verily saith the Lord, that these things might be known among you, O inhabitants of the earth, I have sent forth mine angel flying through the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel, who hath appeared unto some and hath committed it unto man, who shall appear unto manythat dwell on the earth. This website is not owned by or affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the Mormon or LDS Church). Michele Burdo Joseph Mercola You will see it come to pass; it is only just starting in. Joseph Smith had told them where it would start, that it should be a terrible time of bloodshed and that it should start in South Carolina. And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord; First among those among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know my name and have not known me. Joseph Smith, History, 18381856, volume D-1 [1August 18421July 1843], 1464,; punctuation standardized. Lehis fourth son, Nephi, also had a vision of America. No mercy for you. Journal of Discourses, Joseph Smith 20:41. It simply means that there are some who, for the time being at least, are members of the Church but not in harmony with it. Pay off debt as quickly as you can, and free yourselves from bondageThis is a part of the temporal gospel in which we believe.. This prophecy refers to Joseph Smith. This site has been created and maintained by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. } Again I quote Ezra Taft Benson on the coming cleansing of the Mormon Church: \"President Benson talked very clearly about this growing division in the Church that we are experiencing. The most persistent question has been whether Latter-day Saints have (or sometimes whether they should) see Mitt Romney as the fulfillment of early LDS prophecy.In 2015, news items reported on a surge of prepper activity among Latter-day Saints who believed the second coming was near. Praise The Lord for his confirmations & warnings. Gordon B Hinckleys 7 Years of Feast and 7 Years of famine: In the Priesthood session of General Conference 1998 he surprised everyone when he read from the story of Joseph in Egypt, Pharaohs vision of the fat and lean cattle and its interpretation of seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine and then said, I am suggesting that the time has come to get our houses in order The economy is a fragile thing There is a portent of stormy weather ahead to which we had better give heed.I urge you, brethren, to look to the condition of your finances. It says the following: Verily, thus saith the Lord concerning the wars that will shortly come to pass, beginning at the rebellion of South Carolina, which will eventually terminate in the death and misery of many souls; And the time will come that war will be poured out upon all nations, beginning at this place. The people who kept the record were descendants of several families who immigrated from Jerusalem near the fall of that city. All means of manufacturing will also be entirely destroyed. The prophets of the two civilizations that developed from these people prophesied concerning what would someday be the United States of America. listenButton1.onclick = function(){ The Lord himself said that he raised up the very men who framed the Constitution of the United States and directed that membership of this Church should pray for and sustain those who represented the Constitution of this land. In other words, that He fought with Washington and others in the Revolutionary War.. First thing that came to, BOB, Sadly, none of these tragic events in NZ appear normal weather events to me. But the Doctrine and Covenants, being more contemporary, predicts war globally, beginning in America. Jazzy There are indications they are our current concern, and many indications would say we are in the last of the last days to me, but I am no prophetess. its still, Hi When we read about Gods judgement is he doing these things or is the devil doing these things because, Here is another prophecy from Chris Reed, there is some overlap:, Of course they will try to disrupt and cause confusion in a true movement of God. It also reassured them that when their enemies come upon them, and hinder them from performing that work, the Lord would require that work no more and accept of their offering.5 Although the loss of the land of Zion tried their faith, Church members continued to work to build up Zion in other places and ways.6, The Saints in Kirtland experienced a trial of faith connected with another of Joseph Smiths prophetic statements. They are stationed high in the heavens, relaying broadcast signals back to almost every corner of the earths surface. Ive been living in a garage waiting for this crash for a while now. Church members view senior Church leaders Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and the presidents of the Church that followed as prophets of God in the same way they view Abraham, Moses . He stated that he saw that Salt Lake City would become a great city with many beautiful paved roads and streets of cement construction, and that the people had become wealthy. Ye hear of wars in foreign lands; but, behold, I say unto you, they are nigh, even at your doors, and not many years hence ye shall hear of wars in your own lands. Maria Conwell You know, and I know, that the Ten Commandments contain the will of our Heavenly Father, and I am grateful, not only for the civil laws but also for the laws God has given us. * Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Again I quote Ezra Taft Benson on the coming cleansing of the Mormon Church: President Benson talked very clearly about this growing division in the Church that we are experiencing. Lehi saw the United States being formed and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, the record Lehi would begin. Sorry yankee politicians your are doomed for awful crimes against humanity. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are blessed to be led by living prophetsinspired men called to speak for the Lord, as did Moses, Isaiah, Peter, Paul, Nephi, Mormon, and other prophets of the scriptures. Lehi told his son Joseph that another Joseph would one day be born who would be the first prophet in the restoration of the gospel in the last days. Monique Bizet In Section 130 of the Doctrine and Covenants is recorded a revelation received by Joseph Smith in 1843. Scholar Christopher Blythe, author of a soon-to-be released book, "Terrible Revolution: Latter-day Saints and the American Apocalypse," joins the podcast this week to discuss, well, the "end . You will see worse things than that, for God will lay his hand upon this nation, and they will feel it more terribly than ever they have done before; there will be more bloodshed, more ruin, more devastation than ever they have seen before. However, he was promised they would not be destroyed completely. All means of manufacturing will also be entirely destroyed. They are run by the world, therefore, Hello Annie Marie. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the position of the Church. Great awakening Start from video time mark 40 mm:, Know whatcha mean Landon ive been expecting the crash since 2001, and then preparing for it since 2008, and, Yes Phil, things are tragic , the world has reached the Tipping point so to speak.- (The Point of No, Anne Utter tragic and evil if true regards Phil. As long as the people God sent from Jerusalem were righteous, the land would be theirs to enjoy, but if they became wicked or stopped believing in God, outside nations would be permitted into the land and persecution would result. Delete the old comments in search of better. John the Dreamer How long you will have good crops, and the famine be kept off, I do not know; when the fig tree leaves, know then that the summer is nigh at hand. The views expressed by individual users are the responsibility of those users and do not necessarily represent the position of the Church. Like Esau in the Bible, they will sell their souls for a \"Mess of Pottage\". One that comes to mind, Since all that God is and does is perfect, the fact that He brought order from disorder indicates there was, Im sorry for your loss. See, for example, Joseph Smith discourse, Apr.6, 1837, in BrentM. Rogers, ElizabethA. Kuehn, ChristianK. Heimburger, MaxH Parkin, AlexanderL. Baugh, and StevenC. Harper,eds., Documents, Volume5: October 1835January 1838. . Anne Id heard that we have the ability to change weather patterns and even create weather activity, but I was, Whoever ordered the destruction of our food sources is unknown to me but I have thoughts.. As a messenger of God, a prophet receives commandments, prophecies, and revelations from God. Others looked for Gods blessings even in their economic trials.8 Oliver Granger, who accepted an assignment to handle Church-related debts in the wake of the larger economic collapse, was later reassured by the Lord that his sacrifice shall be more sacred unto me, than his increase.9, Some of the most stirring stories from Church history recount the efforts of Saints who exercised faith in Joseph Smiths revealed pronouncements and worked to bring them about. During his life, Smith made several prophecies, many documented in the Doctrine and Covenants, a book of scripture in several of the movement's denominations . I had the knowing there were stealth technologies as well as hidden locations, unknown locations where they already have nuclear missiles ready to launch when they are ready. They were choice spirits, not wicked men. He let the world know, with this visit, that He was not just the Savior of the Jews, but of the entire world. thank you for posting, Wow most of my coins in Kucoin are buy and sell orders ! Grant (1918- 1945) George Albert Smith (1945- 1951) David O. McKay (1951- 1970) Joseph Fielding Smith (1970- 1972) Harold B. Lee (1972- 1973) Today there are 67 earth receiving stations operating in 50 countries of the world. He saw that the city extended almost to the point of the mountain south of the new 1951 State prison. While this is partly true, there is also a strong Mormon tradition of prophetic critique of the United States. 1- THE DEATH OF JOSEPH SMITH. The Church leaders address the above issues whenever they speak, but money has blinded many to virtues of their religion. From them we have derived the liberty that we enjoy. These things are at our doors. It is claimed that the "White Horse" prophecy predicts the "transformation of the U.S. government into a Mormon-ruled theocracy," and that the "White Horse" prophecy "continues to be a dominant element of the faith espoused by Joseph Smith's followers" because they believe that they will be "officers and administrators" during Christ's . Formed and the Coming Forth of the Prophet Joseph Smith, History, 18381856, volume [. Mormon tradition of prophetic critique of the Native Americans, including whatever few remnants of His own family might.. Doctrine and Covenants, being more contemporary, predicts war globally, beginning in America this is partly,... Have prophecies especially about Armageddon whatever few remnants of His own family might remain the RUSSIANS lead. Apr.6, 1837, in 1974, Prophet Spencer W. Kimball stated issues whenever they speak, money! Two civilizations that developed from these people prophesied Concerning what would someday be the United being... 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