270 wsm ballistics 200 yard zero

This load proved most deadly on deer, sheep and antelope; so much so that a young man from Arizona named Jack OConnor embraced the cartridges in his hunting and writing exploits. bullets that the 6.5mm cartridges do, but it remains a really good blend of killing power, flat trajectory and acceptable recoil. Wind Components are (Miles per Hour): DownRange: 0.0 Cross Range: 10.0 Vertical: 0.0. GunnersDen.com ~ "Why zero a .270 for less than 200 yards?" That lets you be no more than 1.5 inches high or low out to about 240 yards, with standard 130-gr rounds. The Remington Model Seven is ready, willing and able to handle just about any task. I would say, "Why zero a .270 for less than 200 yards? I have mine zeroed at a 100 but my scope is capable of dialing 1750 mounted flat with a 20 MOA base if I am right should be able to dial out to 1950 almost 2000 yds not good for hunting but for punching a hole in paper it will work just need to hold your mouth right and . For most rifles, a 25- to 28-yard zero (depending on the calibers velocity and bullets BC) will maximize its point blank range. The first number is the value of this cartridge, and the last number is the value of the most powerful round in our bullet database. lags behind the short mag by about 100 fps and the WSM carries about 150 ft.-lbs. Trajectory for Custom .277 140 TGK #4440 AMMO at 2960 Feet per Second. This 270 Win ballistic chart shows 130 grain Ballistic Silvertip rounds with a 100 yard zero. I left it at about 3 inches high right at 100 yards, thinking that this might help minimize some holdovers at longer ranges. 270 WSM Ballistics: This 270 Winchester Short Magnum ballistics chart shows Hornady 130 grain GMX Outfitter loads: This 270 WSM ballistics chart shows 150 grain Federal Fusion: Bullet Diameter: .277 Inch. Who needs a turret. In the areas he hunted, including the open West, and many different mountain ranges, the flat-shooting .270 made all sorts of sense. Of course, this is an on-paper estimate, and until you actually shoot your rifle at those distances, you cant be sure, but Ive found it to be pretty close. This system maximizes the distance in which no "hold over" is necessary. If you choose to employ this 26-yard technique, beware that when zeroing at close range, you must strive for perfection. On Wednesday, the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) sent a notice of intent to sue to the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) for alleged violations of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), due to the hunting of gray wolves in Wyomings Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest. The 7mm WSM cartridge, chambered in a short actioned, light-weight rifle may well be the ultimate combination for a superb mountain rifle, that offers a slight increase in bullet frontal mass and energy than that offered by the 270 WSM in rugged terrain. Select Caliber: .270 winchester Name Mfg Part # All Brands Caliber Style Weight (grains) Yet, he was of the new mind set, the one that believed in high velocity and flat trajectories. The advertised ballistics of the .270 WSM (Winchester Short Magnum) fall between the ballistics of the standard .270 Win. The 270 Winchester Short Magnum or 270 WSM is a short, unbelted, magnum cartridge created by necking down the .300 Winchester Short Magnum and fitting it with a .277 caliber bullet. . What you get with the .270 WSM is about 150-200 fps more than you get with the standard cartridge. Competitive shooter. Full Member. J. Scott Rupp takes a first look at the Springfield M1A Loaded rifle chambered in the popular 6.5 Creedmoor. 3,250 ft/s (140 gr), 3,136 ft/s (150 gr). However, the .270 Win.s long case body feeds easily in most rifles while the WSM has a reputation for being more finicky. Give a Gift rounds. Red Oak, White, or Chestnut for Deer Herd? 5.0 (2) Get a Federal Rail Cover Set for $.01 with ammo purchase. (Thats missing the 6-inch circle, 3 inches below the center, or point of aim.) Like we have seen a number of times now, the secondary 50 yard zero is not exact. Send more rounds. Whats best for you pin on or hold over your choice mine are pin on at 100 but have swaro bt so no guessing. Several forums had posts swearing that at 50 yard zero was the absolute best because it always gave you the same point of impact at 200 yards and therefore one could easily engage targets up to 200 yards (and even a bit further) with it without giving much thought to making adjustments. All Rights Reserved. Trimmed Case Length: 2.090 Inches. 250m place the cross hair 3/4 way up on the chest. But after 203 yards it falls below the 6-inch vital zone. The same concepts apply to the .270 Winchester; definitely the most successful of all the offspring of the .30-06 Springfield. The 270 WSM can produce kills on medium sized game up to 300 yards with 130 grain rounds before penetrating wound performance is noticeable. Generally, a 300 Win Mag's 150 grain bullet delivers a 3,260 fps muzzle velocity, while its 180 grain bullet achieves approximately 3,000 fps. They are stating the bullet is going 3150fps. Lets find out. (Essentially, you don't have to arc the 300 Win Mag's bullet trajectory in order to strike a target up . As with most of the Weatherby line of cartridges, the .270 gained a small but staunch following which has . .270 Winchester, Contributor Mike Roux takes his audience through a few factors that contribute to a successful hunt. Any further than that, I can either use my scope ballistic reticle, or know my calibers ballistic data and hold over appropriately. All of these Nosler loads used Winchester brass, WLRM primers and were tested in a 24" barrel. . For most of them it ranges from 1.1 to 1.5" high at 100 yards. 270 Winchester: T_DPX: 110: 2908: 3450: 270 Winchester: T_DPX Clearly, the .270 WSM will make an exemplary long range cartridge and it is suitable for . The 270 WSM (Winchester Short Magnum) is also good with a slightly higher velocity and muzzle energy. Winchester Ballistics Calculator Compare ballistics data on your favorite Winchester Ammunition rounds. That would put the bullet roughly two feet high at 300 and 400. Grain Weight: 150. The .300 Weatherby Magnum has a longer case length of 2.825" (71.76mm). Match-Grade Rifle Primers: Are They Better and Worth the Extra Expense? However, as we get out past the 500-yard line, the difference begins to become more pronounced. All data created using our free ballistic calculator. I have a .338 but mine is the Win Mag ballistics are lower but close enough for government work. Then it's just a matter of a little hold at 200 and less or more. Please know that we only recommend products we trust and have used ourselves. Does this change if the same rifle is zeroed at 200 yards? I tend to think of the primary zero as the distance the rifle was sighted to and the secondary as the other distance at which the bullet meets the line of sight which could be before or after the primary (or confirmed) zero. Took it to the State Wildlife Area range and sighted it in with Remington 130 gr. RifleShooter Magazine editor Scott Rupp breaks down all the features of the Mossberg Patriot Predator rifle chambered in 6.5 PRC. drops about 3.5 inches more than the short mag at 500 yards. It in no way increases the amount you pay and helps us stay in business. .257 Roberts, .416 Dakota, .500-465 Nitro Express, .577 Tyrannosaur, .404 Dakota, 6.17mm (.243) Lazzeroni Spitfire, .378 Weatherby Magnum, .270 Winchester, .357 Magnum, .260 Remington, 10.57mm (.416) Lazzeroni Meteor, .375 Ruger, .500 A-Square, .30 M1 Carbine, .325 Winchester Short Magnum. (FT/LB)310526162195Drop (Inch)/0-2.3 Our . Powered by UBB.threads PHP Forum Software 7.7.5. Look, dear ol Dad remains one of the most popular cartridges ever devised, so even though the .270 was released only 19 years after the 06in 1925, in the Winchester Model 54 bolt-action riflethe stellar reputation of the Springfield had already been established. is even more effective today than it was in OConnors day. loads to try next time. 1531.3. That bullet will only fall 3" when fired. with muzzle velocities of 3,100 and 2,970 fps, respectively. Core-lokts, the Winchester 130 gr. It's a 168gr pet load. Maximum Case Length: 2.100 Inches. Mag. Calling and shooting predators is one of the things that helps hunters get from the end of the fall seasons to when the turkeys start gobbling. Calling and shooting predators is one of the things that helps hunters get from the end of the fall seasons to when the turkeys start gobbling. Targets under 50 yards would get a slightly low impact. The flip side to this is a much wider trajectory deviation beyond 200 yards. .222 Remington.45 ACP.404 Jeffery.44 Remington Magnum.243 Winchester.338 Winchester Magnum.357 S&W Magnum6.5-284 Norma8x57 Mauser.38 Smith & Wesson Special7x57mm Mauser9 mm Luger.35 Whelen.454 Casull.375 H&H Magnum.45 Colt.22-250 Remington10mm Auto.308 Winchester. This means that with a 26 yard zero, I can hold dead-center of a deers vitals and kill it cleanly from 0 to 310 yards without adjusting my hold. If you cant hit the dime at 26 yards, it indicates that your rifle (and/or you) probably isnt accurate enough to be shooting at long range anyway, because if your rifle is grouping 1-inch at 25 yards, for example, it will likely be 4 inches off at 100 yards and well off the paper at 300. Velocity Boundaries (Feet per Second) of: 2600 1350 1350 1350. This 270 Winchester ballistics chart shows 150 grain Expedition Big Game Long Range rounds with a 100 yard zero. bullet, when zeroed at 26 yards, angles above the line-of-sight 2.81 inches at 200 yards, crosses the line of sight (zero) again at approximately 275 yards, before falling beyond 3 inches low at 310 yards. Therefore, with a 26-yard zero, you can hold on the target and expect to hit a 6-inch vital zone from 0 to 310 yards. You must log in or register to reply here. Bottles & 12-oz. All rights reserved. This calculator will produce a ballistic trajectory chart that shows the bullet drop, bullet energy, windage, and velocity. has a reputation for working well with a wide range of powders and is easy to handload. A larger diameter extends the MPBR. So the WSM has an edge, albeit a slight one. Semi-automatic and striker-fired, the P320-XTEN is extremely accurate, easy to shoot even with powerful 10mm loads and holds 15-plus-one rounds. Most .270 barrels use a 1:10 twist-rate, which generally precludes bullets weighing more than 150-grains. On Wednesday, the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) sent a notice of intent to sue to the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) for alleged violations of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), due to the hunting of gray wolves in Wyomings Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest. This difference narrows as we get to longer distances: at 300 yards the advantage is 171 ft/s, and . If we extend the 270's zero range to 268 yards, we match the 150-yard peak trajectory of the Creedmoor. Using a .277 bullet diameter, and a case 0.050 longer than the Springfield design, the .270 Win. For starters, with a 100-yard zero, you get a much flatter trajectory. Unlike the other WSMs, the .270 does not simply duplicate the ballistics of an existing cartridge. Lets explore that using the external ballistics data of a bolt action rifle chambered for .30-06 Springfield with a sight height of 1.5 shooting a 178 grain ELD-X Precision Hunter cartridge from Hornady. plus the cases look cool.. Minuteman. Mag. Cartridge Type: RifleHeight: 2.1"Width: 0.535"Average FPS: 3238Average Energy: 3166Average Gr: 136Recoil: 2Power Rank: 4.4 of 20. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. A HP 80237 3240 2802 2405 2042 1713 1429 1282 959 . The .270 win is an great short to long range medium to large game cartridge that can really benifit from a bit of trajectory calculation like we have provided. So what does the charting of the 270 Winchester's external ballistics tell us exactly? Or should I just knock my zero down to 2 inches high? Unless I misunderstood, which is quite possible. Rangemaster certified instructor.View all posts by Uncle Zo. The factory loads on the 270 WSM consist of 130-150 grain rounds from Federal and Olin (Winchester). Right out of the muzzle, the .270 moves 350 ft/s faster than the 6.5 Creedmoor. Its called point-blank range, and to maximize it you should alter your sight-in range for a particular load, rather than letting your traditional sight-in distance dictate your rifles zero. Uncle Zo sometimes publishes affiliate links and advertisements, which means that if you click on a link and buy something, Uncle Zo might receive a percentage of the sale, at no extra cost to you. This other post goes deeper into that if youre interested in reading more: https://unclezo.com/2020/11/26/different-zeros-for-different-heros/. You see, the .270 Win. In the WSM .270 fans found a short, powerful, efficient round that could be housed in compact, lightweight short-action rifles and which edged closer to 7mm Rem. Or is Primary zero the the bullet touching the line of sight as confirmed on a target, regardless of first or second time crossing the line of sight? The new Sako Finnlight II sports an innovative stock and Cerakote metal paired with the terrific 85 action. Context matters. The secondary zero with this load in the bolt action rifle using a 50 yard zero found around the 125 yard mark. That 130-grain spitzer load, when zeroed at 200 yards, hits 6.5" low at 300 yards, and 19" low at 400 yards; almost an identical trajectory to the .300 Win. launched a 130-grain bullet at a muzzle velocity of 3140 fps. If it is further or less range then I adjust my point of aim accordingly. This cartridge has 0.552 G1 ballistic coefficient and an advertised muzzle velocity of 2750 fps. I forgot to mention mine is 130gr at 3065fps or thereabouts, I zero mine at 180m. But the following examples will illustrate why thats not a great zero for a rifleman who wishes to be able to take shots quickly, without calculating, from point blank to nearly 300 yards. It lacks the versatile selection of bullets that both the 7mms and .30 calibers have, and doesnt use the high B.C. Great care has been given by Hornady engineers to develop superior, match-accurate hunting loads that allow the ELD-X bullet to achieve its maximum ballistic potential. The difference is not, however, extraordinarily dramatic. Part # F270WSMFS1. 0.8 " high at 100 yds. The graph shows that your .270 Win. The .270 Win. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. For you younger hunters, if you arent familiar with Mr. OConnor, I highly recommend that you dig back and read his stuff; much to my surprise, I've met many young hunters and shooters who didnt know who Jack was. Thanks for the feedback. Most scopes should zero and have enough adjustment left. Sighting in your high-power deer rifle at 100 yards is a waste of a perfectly good flat trajectory. 270 WBY, the 130 grain Partition at 3200fps, the 130 grain Sierra GameKing at 3200fps and the 140 grain Trophy Bonded Bear Claw at 3100fps. Super X Power Points. The size and Can anyone kind of break it down as far as how much this might decrease holdover? Sierra ballistic coefficients: . Most manufacturers put their 500-yard trajectory at -35 to -40 inches. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. 270 Win Ballistics Chart Coefficient GunData.org. Meaning, across the board, almost nobody could get a repeatable zero at 200 due to the MOA of the irons, the size of the DOT, and/or shooter error. Freedom addict. 200: 3735: 2900: 300 Winchester Magnum: JSP: 240: 3603: 2600: 300 Winchester Magnum: Nosler Accubond: 165: 3739: 3185: . I'm pretty much dead nuts on at 100 with everything, easy enough to spin a turret if needed. Plenty of room for error. It astounds me sometimes that people have their rifle set (not zeroed!) The invariable comparisons, the need to prove yourselfwhile living in the shadow of Dads fame and fortuneto the world, a desire to forge your own path; all these sentiments plague the offspring. The 50 yard zero certainly works for quite a few applications and there are plenty of other zeros for other weapon system and target combinations. GMX 83274 3250 2849 2482 2144 1834 1557 1290 991 753 561 411 296 -1.5 1.4 0 -7.1 -21.8 -47.0 AG 223 Rem 55 gr. You would think the popularity of the .270 wouldve spawned a ton of competing cartridges that fired .277-inch bullets. To go to 200 yards with a 50 zero you need 26 MOA of adjustment upwards Firing 130 grain bullets at between 3250fps and 3300fps, the .270 WSM is capable of delivering high shock for impressively fast killing out to ranges of around 300 yards along with clean but sometimes slightly delayed killing out to 400 yards. This increases my margin of shooting error, while allowing me to not have to calculate or hold off the animal at 300 yards. Likewise, ammunition for the .270 WSM is less likely to be found on every store shelf, but its relatively widely available, and many sporting goods storeseven relatively small storesoften stock .270 WSM. Medium to slow burning propellants are the usually selected for the .270 WSM. It is based off a .300 WSM parent case by narrowing the neck to fit a .277 inch (7mm) bullet. Reloaders also have access to the 160 grain Nosler Partition Semi-Spitzer. All RifleShooter subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. It should be about 43 yards 65 yards 84 yards and 109 yards since it is supposedly 40 60 77 and 100 meters. This bullet is very good for long-range and is available at Cabela's. That, coupled with a faster muzzle velocity, and you will be rocking 1000 yards. But for decades only one other commercial .270 hunting cartridge was released: the .270 Wby. That said there is still some truth to the claim that the 50 yard zero can be used to engage a target out to about 250 yards without having to worry much about making an elevation adjustment as long as the target larger than the projectiles trajectory deviation plus the precision deviation of the cartridge and rifle combination. Red Oak, White, or Chestnut for Deer Herd? Mag. Sighting-in a hunting rifle to hit a certain number of inches high at 100 yards (or 100 meters) maximizes the point blank range of the rifle and cartridge and is superior to zeroing at a fixed distance like 200 yards. Copyright 2000-2023 24hourcampfire.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Jul 13, 2016. A few years ago when I got into rifle shooting and hunting, I searched the internet with the term best zero distance for rifles and some variations of that term and read everything I found. Which one is Primary and which is Secondary zero now? The .270 WSM is also capable of excellent accuracy but prefers slow-burning powders. Not a bad idea to be 2" high if you expect to shoot longer distances (longer than 300). You are using an out of date browser. Let's take a closer look at the mythical 50/200 yard zero. the bullet's trajectory. Obviously not, because 92 years after its introduction it remains a perfectly viable hunting cartridge. For example, if you hunt exclusively from a ridge top that overlooks a food source that is 150 yards away, you should zero for that distance. drops about 3.5 inches more than the short mag at 500 yards. With bullets of 130 to 140 grains, the .270 WSM will buy you between 150 and 200 additional feet per second of velocity. Rifle Ballistics: Ammo Description: Velocity (fps) Energy (ft/lb) Trajectory Tables (inches) CARTRIDGE BULLET: . The Federal Ballistics Calculator lets you quickly determine the trajectory for any rifle or handgun load, and save data for an unlimited number of loads. falls victim to the twist rate of the common barrels, much like the .22-250 and .220 Swift. You might be wondering what a 50/200 yard look like if we use a different rifle and cartridge? Heres how to avoid the poseurs and choose the right one. Point blank range defined is the range of distances at which you can hold your rifle on the bullseye and never fall in or out of your targets kill zone. Your mileage may vary. Norma ballistic calculator online is very handy. Hand loading brass is made by Interbond, Woodleigh, and Berger with rounds that can produce fast Accuracy and terminal performance are the cornerstones of Hornady Precision Hunter factory loaded ammunition. Actually never been in a situation where I needed one. But it does use the terms in a way that is contradictory in the final paragraphs. Dimensionally, the .270 shows its lineage by sharing the same 0.473 case-head and 17-30 shoulder angle of the 06, but where the 06s case length measures 2.494, Winchester designed the .270 case at 2.540, so it wouldnt chamber in a .30-06 Springfield. I have had to go back to PPU 130g SP Ammunition in my .270 after running very low on the Norma SP 130g ammunition that I was using. But at 400 yards the difference is less than two inches. Its got a muzzle velocity of 3,060 fps. This data shows us that a 200 yard zero does in fact provide a secondary zero fairly close to 50 yards. The following ins a 500 yd 270 Win ballistic trajectory and drop chart that follows a 130gr Winchester Silvertip with a ballistic coeddicient of .337 from the time it exits the muzzle until it hits the 500 yard mark. Drop at 200 yards with a 20-grain bullet is just 4.1 inches, compared to 10.7 inches with the same bullet out of the .17 HMR. Reasonable powders include AA-3100, H4350, IMR 4350, and RL-19. While this is certainly not nothing, it is still in the realm of what you can account for when making longer-range shots. Originally chambered in the Model 54, the .270 Win. So, zeroing at 200 gives you the true 'zero' of the path of the bullet height. Rifles and ammo are widely available for both guns, but with an almost 80-year head start youll encounter more .270 Win. Dont worry, Uncle Zo only writes about, and promotes, products or services that hes personally purchased, used, and believes in. seemed rather revolutionary. This data shows us that a 200 yard zero does in fact provide a secondary zero fairly close to 50 yards. Re: Zero range for a 338? Contributor Mike Roux takes his audience through a few factors that contribute to a successful hunt. Last edited: Feb 3, 2015. takbok Well-Known Member. Ammo Description Velocity (fps) Energy (ft/lb) Trajectory Tables (inches) CARTRIDGE BULLET ITEM # MUZ 100 yd 200 yd 300 yd 400 yd 500 yd MUZ 100 yd 200 yd 300 yd 400 yd 500 yd MUZ 100 yd 200 yd 300 yd 400 yd 500 yd SF 223 Rem 55 gr. This bullet has a sectional density of .298 and is shorter than a spitzer bullet of the same weight. Plus, the .270 WSM could poach from an already extensive lineup of .277 bullets designed for the .270 Win. Drop at extended distances. A more subtle, but also interesting thing to note, is that we do get a secondary zero around 60 yards when using a zero distance of 100 yards albeit its not a very usable secondary zero. I did take the .270 WSM out yesterday in some pretty bitter temperatures and snow. It may not display this or other websites correctly. A With a 130 grain bullet and a 26-yard zero rifle, you get a 6-inch hit zone from 300 yards, while the bullet will hit around 1.5 inches high at 100 yards. Subscriber Services. Winchester Ballistics Calculator Compare ballistics data on your favorite Winchester Ammunition rounds. Get a closer look at the Savage Arms 110 PCS, the latest addition to our #SundayGunday series. In the areas he hunted, including the open West, and many different mountain ranges, the flat-shooting .270 made all sorts of sense. 1492.5. Maximum Cartridge Overall Length: 2.860 Inches. There is a chance my use of this terminology is not the accepted use by most folks. WSL. The point blank range for a deer, for example, is generally regarded as six inches. Who did this kid think he was? According to a 2008 Remington catalog I have, this would mean that I'm zeroed for that load at about 250 yards. Contributing Editor for RifleShooter Magazine, Brad Fitzpatrick gives us a review of this modernized version of an iconic favorite. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), which is outdated after looking at more zero distances and the maximum point blank range concept covered in this other post, Different Zeros For Different Heros - Uncle Zo, https://unclezo.com/2020/11/26/different-zeros-for-different-heros/, .300 Winchester Magnum for Long Distance Shooting, Aero Precision 6mm ARC Upper Receiver (and M4E1 Lower), Hornady Precision Hunter 143 Grain 6.5mm Creedmoor ELD-X, Holosun 507C X2 with the ACSS Vulcan Reticle. Sounds like you don't have turrets on your scope. We've got you covered. Recently got into a discussion about different zero distances that included the topic of the 50/200 yard zero distance for riflescopes. It was advocated as hold on the nose POA and your POI would never be under the chin or over the head from contact shot to 200 yards. IMR 4350 was the most accurate powder tested with this bullet weight. . The .270 Winchester Short Magnum (270 WSM) was designed in 2002 by Winchester. The 130 grainers shot the best (.91 and .97" groups about 1.75" above point of aim) while the 150 gr. Will be 3 to 4 inch low at 250 metres. .270 winchester Rifle Ballistics Charts To begin, start with selecting your caliber of ammunition. On larger grain such as 150 can produce very fast kills on Feb 3, 2015 #3 . Of course, For Nosler's 140 grain bullets 56.5 grains of IMR 4350 gives a MV of 2938 fps, and a maximum load of 60.5 grains of IMR 4350 is good for a MV of 3154 fps. Input your hunting conditions to see the drop, drift, bullet trajectory, velocity, and energy in easy-to-read ballistics charts and graphs. At the same, the secondary zero is much closer to the 50 yard mark when using a 200 yard zero in comparison to how close the secondary 200 yard zero was when using a 50 yard zero. Frankly, he is an amateur at best. Copyright GunData.org 2015 | Koenig Media, LLC | Links | Sitemap | Advertise. The .270 WSM and the .300 WSM are the most successful and popular of the short magnum rifle cartridges and the most widely available in terms of both ammunition and rifles. On larger grain such as 150 can produce very fast kills on targets as big as Elk up to 280 yards out before a drop-off is noticed. Posts: 79. If youre using the two cartridges at ranges less than a quarter-mile, the trajectory difference is negligible, but the .270 WSM does have the advantage of utilizing a shorter action than the .270 Win. with a 180-grain bullet. Beth Shimanski of Savage introduces their all new straight-pull rifle. So, with a 100-yard zero, a hunter can simply aim at a buck and expect to hit it in the vitals anywhere from 0 to 203 yards. The table below will show the drop experience by a couple of different 5.56 NATO loads in 50 yard increments out to 300 yards. Introduced in 1965 with the .444 Marlin cartridge, the Model 444 was the most powerful lever action of its day. It in no way increases the amount you pay and helps us stay in business. Bottom line is 50/200 yard zeros are very usable for many applications. Life experience has shown me that pattern of behavior tends to be a result of folks accepting a myth as fact. Ammo2U.com ~ As a participant in the Amazon Associates program and other affiliate services, I may earn a small amount of money if you buy something after clicking on a link. Took it to the State Wildlife Area range and sighted it in with Remington 130 gr. with advertised prices as low as a dollar a round for quality ammunition. If you know this first point, you can then zero bang on on a windy day with less wind effect, or at a much closer range if you are limited on space. penetrating wound performance is noticeable. While OConnor used other cartridgesincluding the 7x57, .30-06, .375 H&H and .416 Rigby among themhe was synonymous with the .270 Win. The 270 WSM can produce kills on medium sized game up to 300 yards with 130 grain rounds before That contribute to a successful hunt easy to shoot longer distances: at 300 yards their... Per Second ) of: 2600 1350 1350 the.300 Weatherby Magnum has a longer case length of 2.825 quot! ) was designed in 2002 by Winchester standard.270 Win a Federal Rail Cover 270 wsm ballistics 200 yard zero for $ with! 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That when zeroing at close range, you get a much wider trajectory deviation beyond 200?..., the.270 Wby decades only one other commercial.270 hunting cartridge Weatherby line cartridges! Of cartridges, the secondary zero with this load in the final paragraphs topic of the 270 Winchester 's ballistics... Media, LLC | Links | Sitemap | Advertise that a 200 yard zero,! Of: 2600 1350 1350 slight one one is Primary and which is secondary zero with this load in final. Available for both guns, but with an almost 80-year head start youll encounter more.270 Win is 40... Out to 300 yards the difference is not, because 92 years after its introduction it a... Loads on the 270 WSM ( Winchester ) than that, I zero at... In a way that is contradictory in the Model 54, the Wby... Silvertip rounds with a 100 yard zero does in fact provide a secondary zero this... With everything, easy enough to spin a turret if needed ballistics Charts and graphs and 2,970 fps,.... 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